- group aDefs
Acroname Specific Universal Defines and includes.
The C-Interface requires some specific defines for cross platform compatibility. The aDefs.h file contains those defines and includes that are necessary at a global level across platforms.
Things like a cross platform way to specify line endings, safe c-string copy and concatenation operations, and boolean typedefs when they are not defined by default.
We rely on the following std headers:
aSHOWERR(msg, error) (printf("Error in File; %s on line; %d, %s: %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, msg, error))¶
A macro that will emit an error on stdout including file and line number when compiled without NDEBUG flag. When NDEBUG is defined it emits nothing.
OS_NEW_LN "\n"¶
A macro containing the appropriate line ending characters for a given platform \r\n on windows and \n elsewhere.
aStringCopySafe(d, l, s) strncpy((d), (s), (l))¶
A macro that maps to platform specific safe string copy. Parameters are;.
d: destination
l: length
s: source
aStringCatSafe(d, l, s) strncat((d), (s), (l))¶
A macro that maps to platform specific safe string concatination. Parameters are;.
d: destination
l: length
s: source
aSNPRINTF snprintf¶
A macro that maps to the platform specific safe printf output.
aLIBEXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))¶
A macro that expands for dynamic library linking on a given platform.
aMemPtr void *¶
An acroname specific semantic define for a pointer to a chunk of memory.
const char *aDefs_GetModelName(const int modelNum)¶
Returns a printable model string.