
group aProtocoldefs

BrainStem Protocol Definitions.

aProtocoldefs.h Provides protocol and BrainStem specific defines for entities, communication, and protocol specifics.


8 Bytes - Packet protocol payload maximum.

group UEI_Defines

UEI and Command support for C/C++ and Reflex languages.



0x1F - Mask bits for Index on index byte.


0xE0 - Mask bits for Return value on index byte.


1 << 5 - Specifier Bit for UEI response to host.


2 << 5 - Specifier Bit for UEI response to Module over I2C.


3 << 5 - Specifier Bit for UEI response to VM on module.


1 << 7 - Error flag on response in index byte.


1 << 6 - Stream flag on response in index byte.

ueiOPTION_GET 0x40

0x40 - Option byte code for UEI Get request.

ueiOPTION_VAL 0x00

0x00 - Option byte code for UEI Val response.

ueiOPTION_SET 0x80

0x80 - Option byte code for UEI Set request.


0xC0 - Option byte code for UEI Ack response.


0x3F - Mask for getting command option from option byte.


0xC0 - Mask for getting Operation Get/Set/Val/Ack


System Entity

group cmdSYSTEM_Defines

System entity defines.



3 - System entity command code.

group cmdSYSTEM_Command_Options


systemModule 1

1 - Module address option code.

systemRouter 2

2 - Router address option code.

systemHBInterval 3

3 - Heartbeat interval option code.

systemLED 4

4 - User LED option code.

systemSleep 5

5 - Sleep option code.

systemBootSlot 6

6 - Boot Slot option code.

aSystemBootSlotNone 255

255 - Disable boot slot value for Boot Slot option.

systemVersion 7

7 - Firmware Version option code.

systemModel 8

8 - Model option code.

systemSerialNumber 9

9 - Serial Number option code.

systemSave 10

10 - System save option code.

systemReset 11

11 - System reset option code.

systemInputVoltage 12

12 - Input voltage option code.

systemModuleHardwareOffset 13

13 - Module Offset option code.

systemModuleBaseAddress 14

14 - Module Base address option code.

systemModuleSoftwareOffset 15

15 - Module Software offset option code.

systemRouterAddressSetting 16

16 - Router address setting option code.

systemIPConfiguration 17

17 - IP configuration setting option code

systemIPModeDHCP 0
systemIPModeStatic 1
systemIPModeDefault 0
systemIPAddress 18

18 - IP address setting option code

systemIPStaticAddressSetting 19

19 - Static IP address setting option code

systemRouteToMe 20

20 - Route to me setting option code

systemInputCurrent 21

21 - Input current option code.

systemUptime 22

22 - System uptime option code.

systemMaxTemperature 23

23 - System max temperature option code.

systemLogEvents 24

24 - System log events option code.

systemUnregulatedVoltage 25

25 - Unregulated System Voltage option code.

systemUnregulatedCurrent 26

26 - Unregulated System Current option code.

systemTemperature 27

27 - System temperature option code

systemMinTemperature 28

28 - System min temperature option code

systemInputPowerSource 29

29 - System input power source option code

systemInputPowerBehavior 31

30 - System input power behavior option code

systemInputPowerBehaviorConfig 31

31 - System input power behavior config option code

systemName 32

32 - System name option code

systemPowerLimit 33

33 - System power limit option code

systemPowerLimitMax 34

34 - System power limit max option code

systemPowerLimitState 35

35 - System power limit state option code

systemResetEntityToFactoryDefaults 36

36 -

systemResetDeviceToFactoryDefaults 37

37 -

systemLinkInterface 38

38 - Setting the link interface for control

systemLinkAuto 0

0 System Link is automatically defined

systemLinkUSBControl 1

1 System Link through control port

systemLinkUSBHub 2

2 System Link through the Hub (upstream connection)

systemReserved 39

39 - Reserved Option Code for Acroname Internal Use Only

systemHardwareVersion 40

40 - Hardware Version option code

systemErrors 41

41 - System Error option code

systemErrors_ThermalProtection_Bit 0

0 - Thermal Protection bit for operational Errors option code.

systemErrors_OutputPowerProtection_Bit 1

1 - Output Power Protection bit for operational Errors option code.

systemNumberOfOptions 45

45 - Number of Options for System, always last entry

Slot Entity

group cmdSLOT_Defines

System entity defines.


cmdSLOT 4

4 - Slot Command Code.

group cmdSLOT_Command_Options


slotCapacity 1

1 - Slot Capacity option code.

slotSize 2

2 - Slot size option code

slotOpenRead 3

3 - Slot Open Read option code.

slotOpenWrite 4

4 - Slot Open Write option code.

slotSeek 5

5 - Slot Seek option code.

slotRead 6

6 - Slot Read option code.

slotWrite 7

7 - Slot Write option code.

slotClose 8

8 - Slot Close option code.

bitSlotError 0x80

0x80 - Bit Slot error code.

App Entity

group cmdAPP_Defines

App Entity defines.


cmdAPP 5

5 - App command code.

group cmdAPP_Command_Options


appExecute 1

1 - Execute option code.

appReturn 2

2 - Return option code.

Mux Entity

group cmdMUX_Defines

Mux Entity defines.


cmdMUX 6

6 - Mux command code.

group cmdMUX_Command_Options


muxEnable 1

1 - Channel enable option code.

muxChannel 2

2 - Select the active channel on the mux.

muxVoltage 3

3 - Get voltage measurement for the channel.

muxConfig 4

4 - Select Mux Mode configuration

muxConfig_default 0
muxConfig_splitMode 1
muxConfig_channelpriority 2
muxSplit 5

5 - Configure the data and power signals when in split mode

Pointer Entity

group cmdPOINTER_Defines

Pointer entity defines.



7 - Pointer command code.

group cmdPOINTER_Command_Options


pointerOffset 1

1 - Pointer offset option code.

pointerMode 2

2 - Pointer mode option code.

pointerModeStatic 0

0 - Static pointer mode for pointer mode option code.

pointerModeIncrement 1

1 - Increment pointer mode for pointer mode option code.

DefaultPointerMode 0

pointerModeStatic - Default pointer mode for pointer mode option code.

pointerTransferStore 3

3 - Set Transfer store option code.

pointerChar 4

4 - Char pointer option code.

pointerShort 5

5 - Short pointer option code.

pointerInt 6

6 - Int pointer option code.

pointerTransferToStore 7

7 - Transfer to Store option code.

pointerTransferFromStore 8

8 - Transfer From store option code.

Debug command

cmdDEBUG 23

Debug command.

Analog Entity

group cmdANALOG_Defines

Analog Entity defines.


cmdANALOG 30

30 - Analog command code.

group cmdANALOG_Command_Options


analogConfiguration 1

1 - Analog configuration option code.

analogConfigurationInput 0

0 - Input configuration for configuration option code.

analogConfigurationOutput 1

1 - Output configuration for configuration option code.

analogConfigurationHiZ 2

2 - HiZ configuration for configuration option code.

analogValue 2

2 - Analog Value option code.

analogVoltage 3

3 - Analog Voltage option code.

analogBulkCaptureSampleRate 4

4 - Analog Bulk Capture Sample Rate option code.

analog_Hz_Minimum 7000

7000 - minimum hertz sample rate for Bulk capture Sample Rate option code.

analog_Hz_Maximum 200000

200000 - maximum hertz sample rate for Bulk capture Sample Rate option code.

analogBulkCaptureNumberOfSamples 5

5 - Bulk Capture number of samples option code.

analogBulkCapture 6

6 - Bulk Capture option code.

analogBulkCaptureState 7

7 - Bulk Capture State option code.

bulkCaptureIdle 0

0 - Idle state for Bulk Capture state option code.

bulkCapturePending 1

1 - Pending state for Bulk Capture state option code.

bulkCaptureFinished 2

2 - Finished state for Bulk Capture state option code.

bulkCaptureError 3

3 - Error state for Bulk Capture state option code.

analogRange 8

8 - Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P0V064N0V064 0

0 - +/- 64mV range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P0V64N0V64 1

1 - +/- 640mV range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P0V128N0V128 2

2 - +/- 128mV range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P1V28N1V28 3

3 - +/- 1.28V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P1V28N0V0 4

4 - 0-1.28V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P0V256N0V256 5

5 - +/- 256mV range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P2V56N2V56 6

6 - +/- 2.56V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P2V56N0V0 7

7 - 0-2.56V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P0V512N0V512 8

8 - +/- 512mV range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P5V12N5V12 9

9 - +/- 5.12V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P5V12N0V0 10

10 - 0-5.12V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P1V024N1V024 11

11 - +/- 1.024V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P10V24N10V24 12

12 - +/- 10.24V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P10V24N0V0 13

13 - 0-10.24V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P2V048N0V0 14

14 - 0-2.048V range for Analog Range option code.

analogRange_P4V096N0V0 15

15 - 0-4.096V range for Analog Range option code.

analogEnable 9

9 - Analog Enable option code.

Digital Entity

group cmdDIGITAL_Defines

Digital entity defines.



31 - Digital command code.

group cmdDIGITAL_Command_Options


digitalConfiguration 1

1 - Digital configuration option code.

digitalConfigurationInput 0x00

0 - Input Digital configuration for configuration option code.

digitalConfigurationOutput 0x01

1 - Output Digital configuration for configuration option code.

digitalConfigurationRCServoInput 0x02

2 - RC Servo Input Digital configuration for configuration option code.

digitalConfigurationRCServoOutput 0x03

3 - RC Servo Output Digital configuration for configuration option code.

digitalConfigurationHiZ 0x04

4 - Hi Z the digital pin.

digitalConfigurationInputPullUp 0x00

0 - Input digital configuration with pull-up.

digitalConfigurationInputNoPull 0x04

4 - Input digital configuration with no pull-up/pull-down.

digitalConfigurationInputPullDown 0x05

5 - Input digital configuration with pull-down.

digitalConfigurationSignalOutput 0x06

6 - Signal output configuration

digitalConfigurationSignalInput 0x07

7 - Signal input configuration

digitalConfigurationSignalCounterInput 0x08

8 - Signal input conter configuration

digitalState 2

9 - State option code.

digitalStateAll 3

Rail Entity

group cmdRAIL_Defines

Rail entity defines.


cmdRAIL 32

32 - Rail command code.

group cmdRAIL_Command_Options


railVoltage 1

1 - Rail Voltage option code.

railCurrent 2

2 - Rail Current option code.

railCurrentLimit 3

3 - Rail Current limit option code.

railTemperature 4

4 - Rail Temperature option code.

railEnable 5

5 - Rail Enable option code.

railValue 6

6 - Rail Value option code.

railKelvinSensingEnable 7

7 - Rail Kelvin sensing Mode option code.

kelvinSensingOff_Value 0

0 - Kelvin Sensing off mode for Kelvin Sensing mode option code.

kelvinSensingOn_Value 1

1 - Kelvin Sensing on mode for Kelvin Sensing mode option code.

railKelvinSensingState 8

8 - Kelving Sensing state option code.

railOperationalMode 9

9 - Operational mode option code. railOperationalMode is a bit masked field with two multi bit fields.

railOperationalMode_HardwareConfiguration_Offset 0

0-3 - Operational Mode hardware configuration offset region (bits[0:3]).

railOperationalModeAuto_Value 0

0 - Auto operational mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeLinear_Value 1

1 - Linear mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeSwitcher_Value 2

2 - Switcher mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeSwitcherLinear_Value 3

3 - Switcher Linear mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalMode_Mode_Offset 4

4-7 - Operational Mode offset region (bits[4:7]).

railOperationalModeConstantCurrent_Value 0

0 - Constant Current mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeConstantVoltage_Value 1

1 - Constant Voltage mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeConstantPower_Value 2

2 - Constant Power mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeConstantResistance_Value 3

3 - Constant Resistance mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalModeFactoryReserved_Value 0xF

15 - Factory Reserved Operating Mode.

DefaultOperationalRailMode_Value 0

0 - Default operational mode for operational mode option code.

railOperationalState 10

10 - Operational state option code. The railOperationalState is a bit masked field that has single bit and multi-bit entries.

railOperationalState_Initializing_Bit 0

0 - Initializing bit for operational state option code.

railOperationalState_Enabled_Bit 1

1 - Enabled bit for operational state option code.

railOperationalState_Fault_Bit 2

2 - Fault bit for operational state option code.

railOperationalState_HardwareConfiguration_Offset 8

3-7 These bits are unused 8 - Hardware Configuration region (bits[8-15]) for operational state.

railOperationalStateLinear_Value 0

0 - Linear state for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateSwitcher_Value 1

1 - Switcher state for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateSwitcherLinear_Value 2

2 - Switcher Linear state for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateOverVoltageFault_Bit 16

16 - Over Voltage Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateUnderVoltageFault_Bit 17

17 - Under Voltage Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateOverCurrentFault_Bit 18

18 - Over Current Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateOverPowerFault_Bit 19

19 - Over Power Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateReversePolarityFault_Bit 20

20 - Reverse Polarity Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateOverTemperatureFault_Bit 21

21 - Over Temperature Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateReverseCurrentFault_Bit 22

22 - Reverse Current Fault bit for operational state option mode.

railOperationalStateOperatingMode_Offset 24

23 - This bit is Unused 24-31 - Operating Mode region (bits[24:31]) for operational state.

railOperationalStateConstantCurrent_Value 0

0 - Constant Current mode for operational state option code.

railOperationalStateConstantVoltage_Value 1

1 - Constant Voltage mode for operational state option code.

railOperationalStateConstantPower_Value 2

2 - Constant Power mode for operational state option codes.

railOperationalStateConstantResistance_Value 3

3 - Constant Resistance mode for operational state option code.

railVoltageSetpoint 11

11 - Rail Setpoint Voltage option code

railCurrentSetpoint 12

12 - Rail Setpoint Current option code.

railVoltageMinLimit 13

13 - Rail Voltage min limit option code.

railVoltageMaxLimit 14

14 - Rail Voltage max limit option code.

railPower 15

15 - Rail power option code.

railPowerSetpoint 16

16 - Rail Setpoint power option code.

railPowerLimit 17

17 - Rail power limit option code.

railResistance 18

18 - Rail resistance option code.

railResistanceSetpoint 19

19 - Rail Setpoint resistance option code.

railClearFaults 20

20 - Rail Clear Fault Codes.

railFactoryReserved 62

63 - Factory Reserved Code.

railFactoryReserved2 63

63 - Factory Reserved Code.

Temperature Entity

group cmdTEMPERATURE_Defines

Temperature entity defines.



33 - Temperature command code.

group cmdTEMPERATURE_Command_Options


temperatureMicroCelsius 1

1 - Temperature option code.

temperatureMinimumMicroCelsius 2

2 - Min temperature option code.

temperatureMaximumMicroCelsius 3

3 - Max temperature option code.

temperatureResetEntityToFactoryDefaults 4

4 Reset temperature entity option code

temperatureNumberOfOptions 5

2 - Number of Options for temperature, always last entry

Capacity Command

group cmdCAPACITY_Defines

Capacity command.



73 - Capacity command code.

group cmdCAPACITY_Command_Options


capacityUEI 1

1 - UEI command option.

capacitySubClassSize 3

3 - SubClass size command option.

capacityClassQuantity 4

4 - Class Quantity command option.

capacitySubClassQuantity 5

5 - SubClass Quantity command option.

capacityEntityGroup 6

6 - Entity Group command option.

capacityBuild 255

7 - Build command option.

Store Entity

group cmdSTORE_Defines

Store entity defines.


cmdSTORE 77

77 - Store command code.

group cmdSTORE_Command_Options


storeSlotEnable 1

1 - Slot Enable option code.

storeSlotDisable 2

2 - Slot Disable option code.

storeSlotState 3

3 - Slot State option code.

storeWriteSlot 4

4 - Write Slot option code.

storeReadSlot 5

5 - Read Slot option code.

storeCloseSlot 6

6 - Close Slot option code.

storeLock 7

7 - Lock Slot option code.

storeNumberOfOptions 8

8 - Number of Options for cmdStore, always last entry

Timer Entity

group cmdTIMER_Defines

Timer Entity Defines.


cmdTIMER 79

79 - Timer command code.

group cmdTIMER_Command_Options


timerExpiration 1

1 - Timer expiration option code.

timerMode 2

2 - Timer Mode option code.

timerModeSingle 0

0 - Single mode for timer mode option code.

timerModeRepeat 1

1 - Repeat mode for timer mode option code.

DefaultTimerMode 0

timerModeSingle - Default mode for timer mode option code.

Clock Entity

group cmdCLOCK_Defines

Clock entity defines.


cmdCLOCK 83

83 - Clock command code.

group cmdCLOCK_Command_Options


clockYear 1

1 - Year option code.

clockMonth 2

2 - Month option code.

clockDay 3

3 - Day option code.

clockHour 4

4 - Hour option code.

clockMinute 5

5 - Minute option code.

clockSecond 6

6 - Second option code.

USB Entity

group cmdUSB_Defines

USB entity defines.


cmdUSB 18

18 - USB command code.

group cmdUSB_Command_Options


usbPortEnable 1

1 - Port Enable option code.

usbPortDisable 2

2 - Port Disable option code.

usbDataEnable 3

3 - Data Enable option code.

usbDataDisable 4

4 - Data Disable option code.

usbPowerEnable 5

5 - Power Enable option code.

usbPowerDisable 6

6 - Power Disable option code.

usbPortCurrent 7

7 - Port Current option code.

usbPortVoltage 8

8 - Port Voltage option code.

usbHubMode 9

9 - Hub Mode option code.

usbPortClearErrorStatus 12

12 - Hub Clear Error Status option code.

usbUpstreamMode 14

13 - SystemTemperature option code.

usbUpstreamModeAuto 2

2 - UpstreamMode Auto for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamModePort0 0

0 - UpstreamMode Port 0 for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamModePort1 1

1 - UpstreamMode Port 1 for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamModeNone 255

255 - UpstreamMode None to turn off all upstream connections.

usbUpstreamModeDefault 2

1 - UpstreamMode default for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamState 15

15 - UpstreamState option code.

usbUpstreamStateNone 2

2 - UpstreamMode Auto for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamStatePort0 0

0 - UpstreamMode Port 0 for upstream mode option code.

usbUpstreamStatePort1 1

1 - UpstreamMode Port 1 for upstream mode option code.

usbHubEnumerationDelay 16

16 - Downstream ports enumeration delay option code.

usbPortCurrentLimit 17

17 - Set or get the port current limit option code.

usbUpstreamBoostMode 18

18 - Set/Get upstream boost mode.

usbDownstreamBoostMode 19

19 - Set/Get downstream boost mode.

usbBoostMode_0 0

0 - Boost mode off, no boost

usbBoostMode_4 1

1 - Boost mode 4%

usbBoostMode_8 2

2 - Boost mode 8%

usbBoostMode_12 3

3 - Boost mode 12%

usbPortMode 20

20 - Set/Get Port mode (bit-packed) The portMode bits follow and numbered according to their bit position. if they are set i.e. a 1 in the bit position the corresponding setting is enabled.

usbPortMode_sdp 0

0 - Standard Downstream port (0.5A max)

usbPortMode_cdp 1

1 - Charging Downstream port (5A max)

usbPortMode_charging 2

2 - Trickle changing functionality

usbPortMode_passive 3

3 - Electrical pasthrough of VBUS

usbPortMode_USB2AEnable 4

4 - USB2 dataline A side enabled

usbPortMode_USB2BEnable 5

4 - USB2 dataline B side enabled

usbPortMode_VBusEnable 6

5 - USB VBUS enabled

usbPortMode_SuperSpeed1Enable 7

6 - USB SS Speed dataline side A enabled

usbPortMode_SuperSpeed2Enable 8

7 - USB SS Speed dataline side B enabled

usbPortMode_USB2BoostEnable 9

8 - USB2 Boost Mode Enabled

usbPortMode_USB3BoostEnable 10

9 - USB3 Boost Mode Enabled

usbPortMode_AutoConnectEnable 11

10 - Auto-connect Mode Enabled

usbPortMode_CC1Enable 12

11 - CC1 Enabled

usbPortMode_CC2Enable 13

12 - CC2 Enabled

usbPortMode_SBUEnable 14

13 - SBU1 Enabled

usbPortMode_CCFlipEnable 15

15 - Flip CC1 and CC2

usbPortMode_SSFlipEnable 16

16 - Flip Super speed data lines

usbPortMode_SBUFlipEnable 17

17 - Flip Side Band Unit lines.

usbPortMode_USB2FlipEnable 18

18 - Flip Side Band Unit lines.

usbPortMode_CC1InjectEnable 19

19 - Internal Use

usbPortMode_CC2InjectEnable 20

20 - Internal Use

usbHiSpeedDataEnable 21

21 - Hi-Speed Data Enable option code.

usbHiSpeedDataDisable 22

22 - Hi-Speed Data Disable option code.

usbSuperSpeedDataEnable 23

23 - SuperSpeed Data Enable option code.

usbSuperSpeedDataDisable 24

24 -SuperSpeed Data Disable option code.

usbDownstreamDataSpeed 25

25 - Get downstream port speed option code.

usbDownstreamDataSpeed_na 0

0 - Unknown

usbDownstreamDataSpeed_hs 1

1 - Hi-Speed (2.0)

usbDownstreamDataSpeed_ss 2

2 - SuperSpeed (3.0)

usbDownstreamDataSpeed_ls 3

3 - TODO

usbConnectMode 26

26 USB connect mode option code

usbManualConnect 0

0 - Auto connect disabled

usbAutoConnect 1

1 - Auto connect enabled

usbCC1Enable 27

27 - CC1 Enable option code (USB Type C).

usbCC2Enable 28

28 - CC2 Disable option code (USB Type C).

usbSBUEnable 29

29 - SBU1/2 enable option code (USB Type C).

usbCC1Current 30

30 - CC1 get current option code (USB Type C).

usbCC2Current 31

31 - CC2 get current option code (USB Type C).

usbCC1Voltage 32

32 - CC1 get voltage option code (USB Type C).

usbCC2Voltage 33

33 - CC2 get voltage option code (USB Type C).

usbPortState 34

34 - TODO

usbPortError 35

35 - TODO

usbCableFlip 36

36 - TODO

usbAltMode 37

37 - USB Alt Mode configuration.

usbAltMode_disabled 0

0 - Disabled mode

usbAltMode_normal 1

1 - Normal mode (USB 3.1)

usbAltMode_4LaneDP_ComToHost 2

2 - Alt Mode - 4 lanes of display port “Common” side connected to host

usbAltMode_4LaneDP_MuxToHost 3

3 - Alt Mode - 4 lanes of display port “Mux” side connected to host

usbAltMode_2LaneDP_ComToHost_wUSB3 4

4 - Alt Mode - 2 lanes of display port “Common” side connected to host with USB3.1

usbAltMode_2LaneDP_MuxToHost_wUSB3 5

5 - Alt Mode - 2 lanes of display port “Mux” side connected to host with USB3.1

usbAltMode_2LaneDP_ComToHost_wUSB3_Inverted 6

6 - Alt Mode - 2 lanes of display port “Common” side connected to host with USB3.1 with channels 1.2 and 3,4 inverted

usbAltMode_2LaneDP_MuxToHost_wUSB3_Inverted 7

7 - Alt Mode - 2 lanes of display port “Mux” side connected to host with USB3.1 with channels 1.2 and 3,4 inverted

usbSBU1Voltage 38

38 - SBU1 get voltage option code (USB Type C).

usbSBU2Voltage 39

39 - SBU2 get voltage option code (USB Type C).

Upgrade command


Upgrade command.

Last command

cmdLAST 95

Last command.