Quick Start Guide

1. Download The Development Kit

2. Connect Device(s)

  • Using the Acroname Unversal Orientation Cable (UOC), or any standard USB-C cables, connect the Control and Common Ports of the USB-C-Switch to a device with access to the host device.

  • Connect any other devices to any of Ports 0-3.

3. Run System

  • Open HubTool

  • On the bottom right side of the application select the USB-C-Switch device.


Linux users will need run the script labeled “udev.sh” located in the “BrainStem_linux_Driverless” folder before they will be able communicate with a BrainStem device.

Congratulations! You are now ready to start exploring the capabilities of the USB-C-Switch. For more information please take a look at our Getting Started Guide