DFU Automator¶

Apple Devices can be put into Device Firmware Update (DFU) mode to allow for firmware updating and restoration, as well as the deployment of custom OS images. This is achieved by sending Vendor-Specific Messages (VDMs) to a DFU-capable port on the target device. VDMs are point-to-point and are not passed on by a USB Hub; however, USBHub3c can generate and send arbitrary VDMs directly to connected devices. This lets Mac Sysadmins re-image multiple Macs at once, greatly speeding up deployment.
DFU Automator is a small application that enables Apple Shortcuts to control USBHub3c’s DFU functions. DFU Automator operates as a background tool, responding to commands issued by Apple Shortcuts. When combined with Apple Configurator actions, shortcuts can fully automate Mac deployment and provisioning.
Included with DFU Automator is an example shortcut showing how to DFU restore a Macbook on port 1 of USBHub3c.
DFU Automator Features¶
Send DFU Mode or Reboot VDMs to a MacBook
Send arbitrary VDMs (Hexstring input)
Enable or disable hub ports
Retrieve the ECID of an attached Apple device