USB Power Delivery

Lumafeld 3D CT scan of Apple TB4 cable

USB-C cables really are different on the inside!

Post date: 8 months 3 weeks ago
Lumafield, experts in Industrial CT scanning, focus their X-ray vision on USB-C cables to show us what’s inside.  The resulting interactive 3-D scans are incredibly detailed, and it’s absolutely worth your time to click through to view the scans in their Voyager web application. They look at 4...

The Basics of USB Power Delivery Negotiations

Post date: 1 year 3 weeks ago
Discover the Power of USB-C USB Power Delivery (USB PD) is a crucial aspect of USB-C technology, allowing for faster charging and increased power delivery capabilities of up to 240 Watts! If you haven't checked out our blog on The USB-C Connection Statemachine, we recommend reading that first....

Whitepaper: Learn How to Mitigate Battery Swelling in Mobile Device Labs

Post date: 1 year 2 months ago
Mobile devices are designed to survive while crammed into pockets day-in and day-out; they can even survive being handled by toddlers and teenagers. Yet placing thousands of phones or tablets onto server racks can create a more challenging environment for these devices to survive long-term. The...
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