The USBHub3p is a programmable USB hub with 8 full-featured 5 Gbps USB-A ports and 1 downlink port for daisy chaining. Two upstream ports allow automatic or manual host switching.
HubTool presents a unified dashboard to control and view state of USBHub3p.
The upper-left panel shows general system information for the hub:
Serial number
Firmware version
Accumulated uptime
The total time the system has been powered on since leaving the factory
Input voltage (V)
System temperature (°C)
Polling delay (ms)
Sets how long to wait after receiving all information from the hub to poll again. A setting of 0 will start a new set of requests immediately. Polling takes 50-150 ms.
Refresh (Hz)
The measured refresh rate, which is the inverse of the polling delay plus the time to receive the data
User LED toggle
Toggles a blue LED located on the USBHub3p back panel - used for debugging and to identify the hub
Hub name
Editable friendly name for the hub - used by HubTool and ControlRoom
The upper-right panel shows port settings and commands:
Upstream (host) port settings:
Host select:
Auto mode (Port 0 if both ports connected)
Port 0 only
Port 1 only
None (do not connect to either host port)
Note that the Control port (mini USB, located on USBHub3p back panel) is always accessible
Amplifies the upstream USB signal up to 12 percent to improve marginal connections - default = 0
Downstream port settings:
Delay (ms)
Delays the enumeration of all downstream ports when power is enabled. Useful if devices are slow to power on and don’t respond to enumeration in time - default = 0
Amplifies the downstream USB signals up to 12 percent to improve marginal connections - default = 0
Auto VBus toggle
Toggles downstream port VBus when the upstream connection changes - default = on
Save port states
Saves the settings of all ports to the hub’s internal memory so that they will persist through power cycling and reset. Saved states: Host select, Boost, Delay, Power and data toggles, Current limit, CDP mode toggle
Resets the hub - VBus toggles and hub returns to previously saved state
* The hub limits current to current limit, up to a maximum of 4000 mA
Voltage and current display
Shows a graph of the port’s bus voltage and current. Clicking on the port graph pops up a window with a larger rolling chart of the last 32 seconds.
Voltage and current strip chart and logging
Decreasing polling delay will increase the number of samples used in the chart. Selecting the “Log Data” toggle switches the chart from rolling to expanding mode. Clicking “Save CSV” saves the data of the graph view in a .CSV file.
If Options > Port Mapping is selected, when a device is attached to a downstream port, its descriptors will scroll at the bottom of the port panel. Click the carat () to expand: