LightWare SF000 USB Connector


SEAMLESS INTEGRATION: The LightWare SF000 USB Connector allows for easy connectivity of the LightWare SF000/B 50 m to a computer.  

The LightWare SF000/B 50m can be integrated into any system using LightWare Studio, a tool that configures, updates, and visualizes data for the LiDAR. 

Manufactured by in
South Africa

This small tool allows you to easily connect a LightWare SF000 to any computer.  Once the LightWare SF000 is connected, use LightWare Studio to configure, configure, update, and visualize data.

  • Allows for easy connectivity of the SF000 to a computer.
  • Configure the SF000, ensuring that the LiDAR is seamlessly integrated to any system Connect SF 000 to your computer
Weight 0.05 lbs
Measurements 1 x 1 x .05 inches