Acroname Blog

1 week ago
The Problem: Inconsistent Serial Port Assignment for multiple devicesA recurring issue when working with multiple USB-to-serial connections is that the operating system does not consistently assign port names. This is especially painful for end-of-line (EOL) functional test customers who are…
4 months 2 weeks ago
Multi-hosting on an Industrial USB HubIn modern manufacturing environments, devices often rely on local USB storage for configuration and firmware updates, data logging, and backup. It is often necessary to update or process this data by connecting the drives to another host, usually by manually…
11 months 4 weeks ago
Sometimes we hear from customers who have used our programmable USB hubs for unusual applications. Maybe one of these examples will help solve your problem! Dual-Hosting USB Storage Volumes  Imagine a scenario where one host machine directly boots from an OS image on an SSD or thumb…