Acroname Blog

4 months 2 weeks ago
Enhancing Production Efficiency with Batch ICP In device manufacturing, firmware is flashed onto devices using in-circuit programmers (ICPs).  automated batch programming can help remove the ICP bottleneck.  In this application note, we'll look at how to use USB port switching with…
11 months 4 weeks ago
Sometimes we hear from customers who have used our programmable USB hubs for unusual applications. Maybe one of these examples will help solve your problem! Dual-Hosting USB Storage Volumes  Imagine a scenario where one host machine directly boots from an OS image on an SSD or thumb…
2 years 4 months ago
Breakdown of Hokuyo Features and Prices: The table below shows some of the basic features and prices of the Hokuyo units tested and compared in this article. They are, the UTM-30LX-EW, the UST-10LX, and the URG-04LX-UG01.   UTM-30LX-EW UST-10LX URG-04LX-UG01…
3 years ago
Warehouse Automation and Sensors How can you automate your warehouses? Should you automate your manufacturing? This article is an extension of our Hokuyo and Yujin post, and goes into more depth about warehouse automation. Why Automate Warehouses? Let's address the elephant in the room. Are…
5 years 1 month ago
  UNDERSTANDING LIDAR Humans are arguably the most dominant creatures on Earth in no small part due to our amazing senses. In particular, sight and our visual perception ability are key to our understanding of the world around us. And for centuries, humans have been inventing tools to…
7 years 6 months ago
How to Choose the Right Sensor Technology Advances in LiDAR and sensor technology are driving size and cost of sensors down rapidly, while improving performance dramatically. The Acroname team has put together this short guide to help make some sense of the technologies available today:…