Acroname Blog

5 months ago
Enhancing Production Efficiency with Batch ICP In device manufacturing, firmware is flashed onto devices using in-circuit programmers (ICPs).  automated batch programming can help remove the ICP bottleneck.  In this application note, we'll look at how to use USB port switching with…
1 year ago
Sometimes we hear from customers who have used our programmable USB hubs for unusual applications. Maybe one of these examples will help solve your problem! Dual-Hosting USB Storage Volumes  Imagine a scenario where one host machine directly boots from an OS image on an SSD or thumb…
1 year 5 months ago
If you're trying to figure out how to see USB devices on your Mac or struggling to find that connected jump drive, you've come to the right place. This guide will walk you through the different ways to view, manage, and control USB devices on your Mac. Whether you’re working with macOS Monterey or…