Acroname Blog

1 year 1 month ago
USB-C functional tests involve a lot of cable plugging and unplugging, connector flipping, and device swapping.  Acroname's USB-C-Switch handles those connections for you, providing control through our HubTool GUI application or BrainStem API, even remotely!For this article, we'll look at…
1 year 1 month ago
The problem with USB TESTING Suppose you’re a test engineer working on USB compliance testing.  You have a well-equipped lab with some high-end test equipment.  But you’d rather be in your office doing other work than in the lab plugging, unplugging, and flipping cables while…
1 year 5 months ago
If you're trying to figure out how to see USB devices on your Mac or struggling to find that connected jump drive, you've come to the right place. This guide will walk you through the different ways to view, manage, and control USB devices on your Mac. Whether you’re working with macOS Monterey or…