Acroname Blog

8 years 11 months ago
Two example projects for USBHub2x4 With National Instruments We've recently been getting questions regarding the use of the Acroname USBHub2x4 from within National Instruments TestStand test management software. So we put together two example projects which wraps the BrainStem2 library…
8 years 11 months ago
INTRODUCTION TO MTM Acroname, Inc. has been bringing robotics and automation systems into the hands of engineers for more than 20 years. Our customers include some of the largest corporations and research institutions in the world all the way down to elementary school students. We also advise and…
9 years 4 months ago
Not only do we make Manufacturing Test Modules (MTM), we also use them to test our own products. Using BrainStem® MTM modules to make a functional board level test system is incredibly simple. For the USBHub2x4, MTM allows us to make a test system that requires no external test equipment…
9 years 4 months ago
Using BrainStem Python for Turning USB Device On And Off  Simple task automation for repetitive actions can be powerful aids in product development. Automatically connecting and disconnect devices from a USB bus is commonly done in manufacturing test and software regression test systems…
9 years 6 months ago
Setting up product manufacturing involves many complicated systems and processes. In order to produce millions of devices a month, companies need to massively scale these systems. Yet this scale is in direct conflict with fast product changes and time-to-market for "the next big thing". Major…
9 years 8 months ago
Today's mobile devices continue to integrate more features and functions into ever smaller packages. Features usually win over battery life during the design phase. In order to help quantify and develop test methods, Acroname was contracted by a major cellphone manufacturer to design a mobile…