Acroname Blog

1 year ago
More control than just on and off Enable and disable VBus, all Data, High Speed or Super Speed connections In addition to turning ports on and off, the USBHub3+ can also independently enable and disable Voltage and Data: Vbus All Data High Speed data (480 Mbps) Super Speed data (5 Gbps)…
1 year ago
Sometimes we hear from customers who have used our programmable USB hubs for unusual applications. Maybe one of these examples will help solve your problem! Dual-Hosting USB Storage Volumes  Imagine a scenario where one host machine directly boots from an OS image on an SSD or thumb…
4 years 2 months ago
Connecting and Disconnecting USB Device PowerThe problem USB devices often need to be disconnected and reconnected (plug-cycled) or reset. The reasons for plug-cycling a USB device are as varied as types of USB devices themselves. In service, the simplest solution to many USB-related problems…
8 years 9 months ago
Disabling USB Port for Acroname Hub   Many customers have found the Acroname USBHub2x4 useful in production environments, but in some cases, when the hub is powered up/booted it may be best if the downstream ports are NOT enabled. This is particularly useful for cases when there…
8 years 11 months ago
Two example projects for USBHub2x4 With National Instruments We've recently been getting questions regarding the use of the Acroname USBHub2x4 from within National Instruments TestStand test management software. So we put together two example projects which wraps the BrainStem2 library…
9 years 5 months ago
Using BrainStem Python for Turning USB Device On And Off Simple task automation for repetitive actions can be powerful aids in product development. Automatically connecting and disconnect devices from a USB bus is commonly done in manufacturing test and software regression test systems.…
9 years 7 months ago
Controlling data and power lines independently with HubTool applicationNotice that when the power line is enabled, the Android device indicates it as "charged". After enabling the data lines, the device then indicates that it enumerates as a media device from the USB Hub. Doing…