Blog: January 2017

Making wireless test fixtures actually wireless

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
Create and Deploy Wireless Test Fixtures One of the benefits of using Acroname's BrainStem/MTM series modules in functional circuit test is being able to create and deploy "wireless" test fixtures - a fixture with no wire-wraps or cables. The small form-factor and low power of MTM modules can be...
Electronic Design review of USBHub3+

Electronic Design review of USBHub3+

Post date: 7 years 7 months ago
The editors at Electronic Design had never seen a programmable USB hub before, so we sent one of the Acroname USBHub3+ units to them for evaluation. The team at ED mentioned how simple USBHub3+ is to use and particularly how it would enhance USB product testing or manufacturing environments...
Subscribe to Blog: January 2017