

Misc subtab

The Misc subtab contains Cable information, Send request, and Overrides

Cable information


Cable information panel with e-mark data

Displays power and data capacity for e-marked cables connected to the hub and a device.

  • Hub port must be providing VConn (VConn strip chart showing 5 V)

  • If VConn strip chart shows 0 V, send “VConn Swap” message to swap whether the hub or device is providing VConn

To read e-mark without a device, connect both ends of the cable to ports of USBHub3c, with one port set as sink or auto and the other set to source or auto. View the cable info panel on the source port.

Send Request

This control sends USB PD requests to the connected device to initiate a connection sequence. There is no guarantee that the request will succeed, and many of these request messages will be unsupported by the connected device.

Send request


Hard Reset

Reinitialize PD communications and cycle VBus

Soft Reset

Reinitialize PD communications, but maintains power connection

Data Reset

Cycle USB data connection [unimplemented]

Power Role Swap

Exchange source and sink power roles

Power Fast Role Swap

Fast exchange source and sink power roles

Data Role Swap

Swap upstream and downstream ask roles


Swap whether the hub or device is supplying VConn

Sink Go To Min

Sink goes to minimum power draw

Request Remote Source PDOs

Get PDO from remote source

Request Remote Sink PDOs

Get PDO from remote sink

Request Remote Extended Source Caps

Get extended source capabilities

Request Remote Extended Sink Caps

Get extended sink capabilities


Get status

PPS Status

Get PPS status

Battery Capabilities

Get battery capabilities (Design cap, last full cap)

Battery Status

Get Battery status (state of charge, charging status)

Manufacturer Info Sop

Get device manufacture info

Manufacturer Info Sopp

Get cable manufacturer info (nearest VConn sourcing port)

Manufacturer Info Soppp

Get cable manufacturer info (opposite from VConn sourcing port)

Discover Identity Sop

Device type and capabilities

Discover Identity Sopp

Cable type and capabilities (Vconn end)

Discover Identity Soppp

Cable type annd capabilities (not VConn end)


USB PD revision and version numbers for connected device

Source Info

Source port power capability

Country Codes

Country of origin

Country Info

Country of origin


Cable current – overrides the 3 A current limit for cables that don’t specify 5 A via e-mark

Port power limit – overrides port power budgeting and allows full power output up to 105 W per port


Can exceed power supply current limit and brown out the hub, triggering a reset

Auto discovery – overrides the auto discovery feature. When enabled, the hub will only establish a basic power connection and not request vendor information. Used for legacy compatibility and debugging.