Acroname Blog

7 years 3 months ago
Connectivity and Control of the Acroname USB-C-Switch Acroname’s BrainStem-enabled programmable USB-C-Switch can be very useful to help automate and monitor USB connections in test environments. USB-C-Switch handles USB connections differently than a USB hub and also introduces the MUX entity to…
7 years 4 months ago
USB Hub vs USB Switch Several customers have asked us whether or not a USB hub or a USB switch is right. There are important and distinctive differences between these two classes of devices, both architecturally and functionally. In many cases, both devices can be used in the same system to…
7 years 6 months ago
USB-C Switch Overview Now that you have your USB-C-Switch from Acroname, here are a few steps to help get started using your switch. In your package, you should find these contents for each switch: (1) Acroname USB-C-Switch (1) USB-C to USB-C cable (1) USB-C to USB-A cable **An Acroname…
7 years 6 months ago
How to Choose the Right Sensor Technology Advances in LiDAR and sensor technology are driving size and cost of sensors down rapidly, while improving performance dramatically. The Acroname team has put together this short guide to help make some sense of the technologies available today:…
7 years 9 months ago
At Acroname, we take ESD seriously. We recently partnered with the team at Pragma Design (, a leader in ESD analysis and solutions, to improve ESD event handling of the USBHub3+ 8-port Programmable USB 3.0 Hub.       Pragma Design's advanced…
7 years 10 months ago
It's great when customers find your products useful. It's fantastic and humbling when your product is recognized by the industry as innovative.Vision Systems Design Magazine's Innovator's Award program recognizes innovative technologies, products and systems in the vision and image…
7 years 10 months ago
Test engineers face many challenges today. Implementing a functional test plan involves integration of several different measurement and interface tools, software packages and licenses. Acroname's MTM instrumentation takes the frustration out of this process as one of the simplest and…
8 years 2 months ago
Create and Deploy Wireless Test FixturesOne of the benefits of using Acroname's BrainStem/MTM series modules in functional circuit test is being able to create and deploy "wireless" test fixtures - a fixture with no wire-wraps or cables. The small form-factor and low power of MTM modules can be…
8 years 2 months ago
The editors at Electronic Design had never seen a programmable USB hub before, so we sent one of the Acroname USBHub3+ units to them for evaluation. The team at ED mentioned how simple USBHub3+ is to use and particularly how it would enhance USB product testing or manufacturing…