Acroname Blog

5 months ago
Multi-hosting on an Industrial USB HubIn modern manufacturing environments, devices often rely on local USB storage for configuration and firmware updates, data logging, and backup. It is often necessary to update or process this data by connecting the drives to another host, usually by manually…
5 months ago
Enhancing Production Efficiency with Batch ICP In device manufacturing, firmware is flashed onto devices using in-circuit programmers (ICPs).  automated batch programming can help remove the ICP bottleneck.  In this application note, we'll look at how to use USB port switching with…
5 months 1 week ago
I. INTRODUCTIONThis case study demonstrates how a device lab resolved its USB issues using Acroname’s industrial USB hubs, making the lab more robust and ready to accommodate future expansion.Hardware device labs need reliable equipment. Often, these labs develop in an ad hoc manner, adding…
5 months 2 weeks ago
IntroductionMobile devices are built to maximize how long they can run between charges by topping off the battery when connected to power.  However, in mobile device and Continuous Integration (CI) labs, where hundreds of devices need continuous USB data connections, this presents a challenge…
5 months 3 weeks ago
  Transcript Hello, I'm Chief Scientist from Twocanoes Software, Timothy Perfitt, and I want to talk to you a little bit about DFU Blaster Pro and how you can use it to quickly restore an Apple Silicon Mac to factory default with whatever version of macOS you want to install. Before I show…
6 months ago
Introduction to USB Power Delivery (USB PD) Testing with USBHub3cUSB Power Delivery (USB PD) sources need to support a broad range of power modes and sink devices.   Be sure that your source can reliably handle any sink it might encounter.The USBHub3c by Acroname is an industrial USB-C hub…
6 months ago
I. Introduction to USB Power Delivery (PD) Sink TestingUSB Power Delivery (USB PD) is a convenient way to power a variety of devices.  Since a USB PD sink device could be connected to any PD source, sinks need to work safely and correctly with any source they might encounter.The USBHub3c by…
7 months ago
What are USB-C Universal Orientation Cables?Acroname Universal Orientation Cables (UOCs) are specialized USB-C cables designed to automate testing of both sides of a USB-C receptacle when used with the USBHub3c or USB-C-Switch.  Unlike standard USB cables that require manual flipping, Acroname…
9 months 2 weeks ago
We'll be attending InfoComm 2024 in Las Vegas, NV.Feel free to drop by for a chat or schedule a meeting with us beforehand. #zohoSupportWebToCase textarea, #zohoSupportWebToCase input[type='text'], #zohoSupportWebToCase select, .wb_common…
9 months 3 weeks ago
We have some exciting news to share: Acroname has been acquired by Valens Semiconductor; this partnership is set to revolutionize the industrial USB market. We're entering a new era of growth and innovation by combining our unique USB solutions with Valens' cutting-edge semiconductor technology.…