Acroname Blog

Using PyInstaller with Acroname's BrainStem Development Kit

Post date: 2 years 4 months ago
If you are not familiar with PyInstaller it is an application that allows you to bundle a python file or project into a single executable by providing a fully encapsulated environment. The benefit being that you won't need to fuss with setting up a python environment.  Simply execute the...

LIDAR Sensor Comparison (Yujin vs Hokuyo)

Post date: 2 years 7 months ago
Yujin and Hokuyo Automation Sensors (Comparison and Buying Guide) How can you automate your warehouses? Learn about two of the best sensors for factory automation and automated guided vehicles (AGV), Hokuyo and Yujin. How Robotics and Sensors Work in Automated Manufacturing The use of robots is...

Warehouse Automation and Sensors

Post date: 2 years 7 months ago
Warehouse Automation and Sensors How can you automate your warehouses? Should you automate your manufacturing? This article is an extension of our Hokuyo and Yujin post, and goes into more depth about warehouse automation. Why Automate Warehouses? Let's address the elephant in the room. Are...
types of sensors in robotics

Sensors for Robotics - 5 Common Types

Post date: 2 years 9 months ago
*/ types of sensors FOR robotics    From low to high-complexity applications, robots depend on robotic sensors for efficiency, safety, and performance.   Table of Contents What is a robotic sensor? Why do robots use sensors? How does a robot sensor work? What types of sensors are used...

Save Your Company and the World with Automated Offline Backups

Post date: 3 years 3 weeks ago
The specter of ransomware lockers haunts every organization — and the fear is justified. Ransomware is worse than malware: systems and data are all locked up, and backups are all encrypted, too. Everything connected to the physical machines or connected to the Internet gets locked down. Your...

Using Acroname Devices inside Docker Containers

Post date: 3 years 3 months ago
Docker Technology to Spin up Small, Isolated Environments At Acroname, we hate it when customers have issues with software and that’s why we provide deployments for Windows, Mac and Linux across various architectures.  Amongst those deployments we also offer application programming interfaces (API...

Introducing the world’s first industrial programmable USB-C Hub, Power Delivery Analyzer, and Tester

Post date: 3 years 3 months ago
*/ The USBHub3c is designed specifically for mobile device test labs, USB-PD validation testing, USB-C device production testing, end-of-line battery charge, and for testing dual role data (DRD) and dual role power (DRP) devices. Fully programmable, engineers can control USB-PD parameters,...

6 mind-numbing reasons how offline backups will save your backside when ransomware happens

Post date: 3 years 5 months ago
United States Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo recently announced that ransomware attacks "are here to stay."  Yeah, we know. That's why we've told anyone who will listen that organizations need offline backups of their systems and data using a superior, industrial, and programmable USB hub. ...

Can an Acroname hub create a data-only USB connection to a phone?

Post date: 3 years 6 months ago
Solving Overcharging for Mobile Devices A primary feature of Acroname hubs is the ability to turn a USB port on and off. Looking more closely, Acroname hubs also have the more granular ability to disable power/VBUS on a given port, independently from the USB D+/D- data lines on the same port. The...
usb esd protection

Protecting USB devices from Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

Post date: 3 years 6 months ago
{ "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "Acroname USBHub3+ ESD Analysis by Pragma Design", "description": "At Acroname, we take ESD seriously. For USBHub3+, we partnered with Pragma Design to improve ESD event handling. Pragma Design's advanced current...
Multi-host USB Switch diagram

Using the Acroname Programmable USB 2x4 hub as a software accessible USB switch between two hosts

Post date: 3 years 7 months ago
How to Accomplish a Host Switch With the USBHub2x4 Often a simple USB switch with a physical button is used to switch USB devices between two different host computers. In many cases it would be nice to execute the host switch without physically pushing a button on the device. The Acroname...

AUTO DRIVE: The automation of automotive USB-C mobile device testing

Post date: 3 years 7 months ago
*/ The need for USB-C and power delivery ports in automobiles is speeding up, and the auto industry is adapting to the new demands. As the engineer in charge of testing, you’ll need to up your automated validation testing game.  We live in an on-the-go world, and our devices travel with us in...


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