Acroname Blog

Independently control VBus and data connections on each port of the USBHub3+

Post date: 9 months 2 weeks ago
The USBHub3+ provides advanced control beyond basic on/off switches, allowing for precise USB customization. The USBHub3+ can also independently enable and disable Voltage and Data: Vbus All Data High Speed data (480 Mbps) Super Speed data (5 Gbps) We'll be working interactively using the...

Learn how to measure power and voltage with the USBHUB3+ using HubTool or the Brainstem API

Post date: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Power Measurement and Voltage Monitoring with USBHUB3+ Among other properties, using the USBHub3+ we can view: Per-port Voltage Per-port Current Input Voltage Input Current Measuring voltage and current with HubTool If you haven't already, install HubTool, which is part of...

Unveiling USBHUB3+ Enumeration Speed: How to Determine Your Connected Devices' Speed

Post date: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Learn how to determine the enumeration speed of devices connected to USBHUB3+ and whether they're operating at high or super speeds. Each port on USBHub3+ can operate in High Speed or Super Speed modes. There are three ways to view the speed of a connected port Front panel LED HubTool...

Master USBHub3+ host switching: auto or manual, HubTool or Python

Post date: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Simplify device sharing and streamline control with USBHub3+ Automatic switching By default, the USBHub3+ will automatically switch to upstream host 0 if available.  This enables simple peripheral device sharing, where a dedicated PC could be connected to the host "Up 1" port, and an occasional...
3 hub layout

Maximize Port Density with USBHub3+. Ideal for server rooms and compact USB-C setups

Post date: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Enhance Port Density with USBHub3+  Need more ports in less space? - Strategies for Managing USB Port Expansion and multiple USB devices Consider USBHub3+ for managing USB port density in server rooms and some USB-C applications if high port density is required USBHub3C is a great choice for...
port view

Configure USBHub3+ charging port modes for Optimal Device Compatibility

Post date: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Setting charging port modes on USBHub3+ Port Modes: CDP, SDP, and DCP The USBHub3+ can set each of its downstream ports to several power modes to support a range of devices. The supported modes are part of BC1.2 USB charging specification: Port mode Condition Maximum current(...

Surprising applications for the USBHub3+

Post date: 9 months 4 weeks ago
Sometimes we hear from customers who have used our programmable USB hubs for unusual applications. Maybe one of these surprising USBHub3+ Application examples will help solve your problem! Dual-Hosting USB Storage Volumes  Lets look at the first unique application of the USBHUB3+: Imagine a...
lidar sensor for drone

Top LiDAR Sensors for Drones

Post date: 11 months 3 days ago
LiDAR sensors unlock highly accurate data-enabling detailed three-dimensional mapping and model building with remarkable precision. But understanding the technology for drones is not as easy, and it's essential to cover the main elements and their various applications. TL;DR: Lightware makes some...

Choosing the right USB-A switcher for your conference room to enable BYOD

Post date: 11 months 6 days ago
The problem Imagine this. You have a perfectly equipped conference room. The PC is linked to the room's audio and video devices such as a webcam, microphones, and speakers, allowing seamless use of platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. But what about the times when your colleagues...

Battery Swelling: How to Detect and Mitigate Battery Swelling in Devices

Post date: 11 months 6 days ago
Seeing your battery swell after years of using a phone or laptop can be a scary sight, but knowing what to do if it happens and recognizing the early signs of battery swelling is essential for your safety. Several factors, including wear and tear on the lithium-ion cells within the battery and...

Types of USB Cables: Not All USB-C Cables are Created Equal

Post date: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Understanding Variations and Compatibility With the rise of USB-C technology, the demand for compatible cables has also increased. However, not all USB-C cables are created equal. While they may all have the same connector, they have drastically different capabilities, including current/voltage...

Acroname ControlRoom™: Ultimate USB Remote Control in Conference Rooms

Post date: 1 year 1 month ago
Master your USB in Conference Rooms with ControlRoom. Acroname's ControlRoom allows you to remotely enable, disable, monitor, and reset USB ports in the connected conference rooms. This means you can solve many issues that would otherwise require a "physical" reset - without ever leaving your...


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