Acroname Blog

10 years 4 months ago
The most popular infrared detectors and rangers are designed and manufactured by Sharp. Boasting a small package, low-power consumption, and a variety of output options, Sharp Infrared Detectors and Rangers are built for any application that requires accurate distance measurements. Creators…
10 years 4 months ago
INTRODUCTIONElectromotive force (EMF) refers to the voltage generated by a spinning motor. Measuring this voltage in order to determine the rotational speed of a motor is commonly called Back-EMF since the voltage tends to "push-back" against the circuit driving current into a motor's windings.…
10 years 4 months ago
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) refers to the concept of rapidly pulsing a digital signal on a wire. Along with many other uses, it can be used to simulate a varying static voltage. PWM is commonly used for driving motors, heaters, LEDs or lights in varying intensities or speeds.TERMINOLOGYPeriod…
10 years 4 months ago
HOKUYO COMPARISONThe table below shows some of the basic features and prices of the Hokuyo units tested and compared in this article. They are, the UTM-30LX-EW, the UST-10LX, and the URG-04LX-UG01.TABLE OF FEATURES AND PRICES  UTM-30LX-EW UST-10LXURG-04LX-UG01LIGHT…
11 years 9 months ago
 Sharp infrared ranging modules boast a small package, very low power consumption and a variety of output options. In order to maximize each sensor's potential, it is important to understand how these types of IR sensors work, their effective ranges, and how to interface to them.Sharp's…
11 years 11 months ago
The Sharp family of infrared ranging modulesThese modules are used extensively for robotics and automatic distance measurement applications. Unfortunately, the output of these sensors are inherently non-linear. In other words, a big change in output voltage does not always indicate a big…
12 years 11 months ago
high power loads using low-level voltage signalsA common automation system requirement is to drive or actuate high power loads using low-level voltage signals. Motors, solenoids, relays and capacitive loads can be actuated with appropriate circuitry that is only possible using small…
13 years 7 months ago
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) refers to the concept of rapidly pulsing a digital signal on a wire. Along with many other uses, it can be used to simulate a varying static voltage. PWM is commonly used for driving motors, heaters, LEDs or lights in varying intensities or speeds.TERMINOLOGYPeriod…
13 years 11 months ago
ElectroMotive ForceElectromotive force (EMF) refers to the voltage generated by a spinning motor. Measuring this voltage in order to determine the rotational speed of a motor is commonly called Back-EMF since the voltage tends to "push-back" against the circuit driving current into a motor's…