Acroname Blog

5 years 1 month ago
It's exciting to see the team grow, and there was a lot of growth in 2019. We have a lot of exciting things coming up in 2020, and here's a look at the Acroname team and family that will make it all happen.      
5 years 1 month ago
  UNDERSTANDING LIDAR Humans are arguably the most dominant creatures on Earth in no small part due to our amazing senses. In particular, sight and our visual perception ability are key to our understanding of the world around us. And for centuries, humans have been inventing tools to…
5 years 3 months ago
When it comes to advanced and cost sensitive electronic products, it remains vital to accurately test these devices during manufacturing and assembly to make sure they provide what the consumer expects and that each and every feature works how it should, right out of the box. The last thing a…
5 years 7 months ago
  How to Automate Offline Backups Manually   If your organization connects any device to the Internet, it’s vulnerable to foreign and domestic hackers, ransomware, leakware, and data theft.   The security experts tell you to manually back up your data and systems every week. But…
5 years 9 months ago
Adding more than two USBHub3+ hubs Some customers who have been using multiple Acroname USBHub3+ hubs have shared with us that they cannot add more than two USBHub3+ hubs to their system or that they need more USB resources. As it happens, this is not a limitation of USBHub3+ itself…
6 years 11 months ago
Flexibly Control USB-C Connections USB-C makes life easy for average consumers and users through two mechanisms: orientation agnostic connectors and automatic configuration. While these features are great for average users, they can make testing and validating USB systems complicated.…
7 years 2 months ago
Connectivity and Control of the Acroname USB-C-Switch Acroname’s BrainStem-enabled programmable USB-C-Switch can be very useful to help automate and monitor USB connections in test environments. USB-C-Switch handles USB connections differently than a USB hub and also introduces the MUX entity to…
7 years 3 months ago
USB Hub vs USB Switch Several customers have asked us whether or not a USB hub or a USB switch is right. There are important and distinctive differences between these two classes of devices, both architecturally and functionally. In many cases, both devices can be used in the same system to…
7 years 6 months ago
USB-C Switch Overview Now that you have your USB-C-Switch from Acroname, here are a few steps to help get started using your switch. In your package, you should find these contents for each switch: (1) Acroname USB-C-Switch (1) USB-C to USB-C cable (1) USB-C to USB-A cable **An Acroname…
7 years 6 months ago
How to Choose the Right Sensor Technology Advances in LiDAR and sensor technology are driving size and cost of sensors down rapidly, while improving performance dramatically. The Acroname team has put together this short guide to help make some sense of the technologies available today:…