
Using PyInstaller with Acroname's BrainStem Development Kit

If you are not familiar with PyInstaller it is an application that allows you to bundle a python file or project into a single executable by providing a fully encapsulated environment. The benefit being that you won't need to fuss with setting up a python environment.  Simply execute the application.

Many times pyinstaller can be excuited without any additional commands such as:

Introducing the world’s first industrial programmable USB-C Hub, Power Delivery Analyzer, and Tester

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The USBHub3c is designed specifically for mobile device test labs, USB-PD validation testing, USB-C device production testing, end-of-line battery charge, and for testing dual role data

Using the Acroname Programmable USB 2x4 hub as a software accessible USB switch between two hosts

How to Accomplish a Host Switch With the USBHub2x4

Often a simple USB switch with a physical button is used to switch USB devices between two different host computers. In many cases it would be nice to execute the host switch without physically pushing a button on the device. The Acroname Programmable USBHub2x4 hub allows a user to switch hosts programmatically without pushing a button.

Up and running with BrainStem using our Python API

Check out our new YouTube video "Up and running with BrainStem using our Python API".

This video details how to properly configure your system to communicate with our Brainstem modules.  It includes: installing Python, pip, and the BrainStem API (.whl).  Once everything is up and running a basic example using a USBStem module is shown.  Configuration, along with the examples, are shown for both Windows and Macintosh platforms (also compatible with Linux).

Programmable USB Hub using MTM-IO-Serial Development Boards

Using BrainStem Python for Turning USB Device On And Off 

Simple task automation for repetitive actions can be powerful aids in product development. Automatically connecting and disconnect devices from a USB bus is commonly done in manufacturing test and software regression test systems. The MTM platform can quickly create a programmatically controlled USB hub to simulate downstream device connections.